Coffee types

El coffee arrived in Europe in the XNUMXth century, and from there consumption spread to the rest of the Western world. Although its true origins are in the Arab countries, where this infusion would begin to be prepared for the first time. It is currently one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It is estimated that about 10 million tons of coffee are consumed per year, which is equivalent to an average of 1.3 kg per person.

Its flavor and aroma, in addition to some of its properties, have made these stratospheric figures possible. Few people can function without a good cup of coffee in the morning to wake them up and prepare them for a long day. And the best of all is that it is a real delight in all the varieties of coffee that exist.

What is coffee?

El coffee It is a type of berry, a grain-shaped fruit from bushes that goes through a series of roasting processes to obtain the grain that can be ground and used to prepare this rich infusion known to all. These shrubs are native to Africa and Asia, although they are now cultivated all over the world.

Depending on the area where they are grown, and the variety of grain, can be get very different results in terms of aroma and flavor of coffee. But in order to drink this magical elixir, it must first be infused in hot water so that its aroma and flavor can be extracted, just as it is done with other types of infusions.

Types of coffee beans

There are various types of grain of this product according to the species of bush from which they come. Although there are others, the two best known and cultivated throughout the world are the Arabian variety, or Arabica, and the Robusta variety. These two are easily identifiable just by looking at the grain:

  • Arabica: This variety is the most coveted of all, since many coffee fans appreciate its flavor. Its origin is in Ethiopia, with several subspecies that provide a very powerful flavor and aroma that characterizes them. In addition, it is the variety that contains the lowest proportion of caffeine. Currently, this variety is cultivated throughout the world, so it does not have to be that it comes from America, Africa or Asia to define if it is one type or another. What differentiates it from the robusta variety is the meandering central crack and its slightly longer grain.
  • Robust physique: It is a variety with a higher level of caffeine, and with a somewhat higher intensity of flavor than the previous one, so it will have a somewhat more prominent bitter touch. Its origin is in West Africa, although it is already cultivated all over the world. In this case, to identify the grain, you can see that it is somewhat rounder and with a straight central crack.
  • Mixtures: In general, many of the products you find on the market are mixtures of both varieties. The cheapest ones usually have all the robusta beans or a higher proportion of these. While those of higher quality are usually 100% robusta or with a high degree of this type of grain.

Although at first glance they are easy to distinguish, they are usually ground, so it is difficult to determine what type it is. For this you must use the product labeling, which should identify the origin and variety.

Types of coffee recipes

Regardless of the type of coffee bean, there are also many types depending on the recipe or the way of preparing the coffee. That leaves a big variety of flavors very diverse and to satisfy a large number of users. In addition to the preparation process, you can also get different types depending on the extra ingredients you add, such as milk, cocoa, alcohol, cinnamon, etc.

Espresso / black coffee

El just coffee, also called express or expresso, is one of the most consumed. It is one of the simplest recipes and it is made simply by infusing the coffee and serving it in a cup. In addition, it is usually prepared in concentrate and in a short format, that is, in a cup of about 30 cl.

For it to be from The best quality, the 100% Arabica variety is usually used and if the time, pressure, temperature, and grinding of the grain have been respected, it will appear with a light golden foam on top.

With milk / latte

Not everyone likes black coffee, so the previous one can be enriched with a little milk. In this case, an amount more or less similar to that of coffee is usually added, so it will be a fairly equal mixture of coffee and milk. This manages to soften the flavor and sweeten the result.

Bonbon coffee

In this variant milk is also used for coffee, but instead of being normal milk condensed milk is used. Usually the milk is served in the cup first and then the coffee is added on top, unlike coffee with milk which is made the other way around. In this case, the result is much sweeter due to the concentration of sugar in the dulce de leche. It is the coffee of the sweet tooth!


Cappuccino, or cappuccino, is another variant of coffee with milk. In this case, only approximately 1/3 of the coffee is used. the rest will be milk and milk foam. For this reason, to prepare a good coffee of this variety, you need to foam the milk to give it that characteristic texture and creaminess.

mocha or mokaccino

Another variant of coffee with milk, but in addition to milk also chocolate is used (usually black) in the form of syrup, or cocoa powder to enrich the mixture.


It is a variant of espresso, but uses the same amount of coffee and a lower proportion of water. The result is a much more concentrated coffee, with a much more intense aroma and flavor.

Cortado or latte macchiato

There are people who do not like coffee with milk so much because of the high proportion of milk used. For them, the cut will be the best variant, since it is simply an expresso to which cut or lightly tinted with a little milk. Just a splash of this...


It is the opposite of the ristretto, that is, it is an expresso coffee to which the same amount of coffee is added, but with more water. This results in a coffee that is longer than the ristretto, but with a somewhat waterier taste.

lunge / long

It is a slower way to extract coffee, that way the water is infusing the ground coffee beans for a longer time. The name comes precisely from that extraction longer than usual. It is similar to the American coffee, only in this case a greater quantity is produced due to a greater exposure of the ground coffee, and not only by adding more water and making it come out in the same time.


It is a coffee to which some type of alcoholic beverage. Generally, brandy, cognac, orujo, whiskey, or some cream such as Baileys is used. In addition to that, you can add other ingredients such as sugar, lemon zest (brulé coffee), etc.


It is a type of double espresso as a base, to which whiskey is also added, and a layer of whipped cream or cream. Instead of in a cup it is usually served in a cocktail glass.

You come

A double or single espresso is used, and will be added cream instead of the usual milk. That gives it a much thicker consistency.


It is a type of coffee brews instantly without the need for a coffee maker, just like Cola-Cao and other similar drinks are prepared. Simply add the tablespoons of instant coffee to the water or milk and that's it.


It is a coffee that is consumed cold, with ice. You can use milk or cream for its preparation.

caramel macchiato

It is a coffee similar to macchiato, but it is also added cream caramel to sweeten the mixture. Foamed milk and vanilla are also often used to enrich the recipe.

coffee au latte

It is a very typical type of coffee from France similar to others, only that it will be used instant coffee (instant) and foamed milk will be added.


It is another coffee that is consumed cold, with ice, like the Frappé. But the difference in this case is that in addition to milk, you can also include one or more ice-cream balls. It is usually chocolate flavored ice cream, although it can be served with other types of ice cream. Obviously, it serves as a dessert.

cold brew

It’s a type of cold brew. It is prepared by leaving coarse ground coffee in cold water for 12-24 hours. In this way, the coffee transfers its aroma and flavor to the water without the need for heat, in addition to avoiding the extraction of some bitter flavors that come out with hot preparation. The result will be a less bitter coffee that you can accompany with whatever you want.


In addition, there are many other recipesIn fact, around the world it is consumed in many ways and with very exotic flavors. You can add all kinds of ingredients such as cinnamon, use other types of different milk (goat milk, sheep milk, vegetable milk such as almond milk, soy milk, tiger nut milk,...), etc. The truth is that the limit is in your imagination.

And not only that, coffee can be integrated into a multitude of recipes, such as pastries and desserts. For example, there are some very popular ones such as Panna Cotta, sponge cakes soaked in coffee to use as a base for cakes, etc.